sometimes you have the world ahead of you , you eventually try to catch up but the world had already started moving on and you cant catch it , that's when its time to go your own route and maybe one day youll catch back up , unless you decide you like yours better.
My opinion on the world as she is this moment
I am an independent writer , Also independent press member, supporter of change in these United States. These are my views on subjects, people, places and beliefs and statements of opinion as well as personal journeys in this life.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Natural resources
I've heard that we dont have many resources here besides coal and gas and dwindling timber , but i think there is a great number of them overlooked, peoples talents. If you think about it , we have many many people in our lives here that are characters all their own and people who were gifted in music and even in acting because im sure you've run across a con artist or two in this place. The talents and characters are not all we have , we have many stories and tales that we've collected throughout our lives , or we heard anyway.
I think maybe the media industry would find a great amount of people to work with and stories to be told because if I've noticed anything in life its that where we all come from and how we act can be much different from the rest of the world , this place is pretty unique if you ask me , or the people are anyway.. You never know what you can do unless your given the opportunity to do it and before you know it , it can catch on like wild fire. I've seen allot of people waist their talents here , and it saddens me , they just never had the opportunity to try or were encouraged , its my hope that this is something we can all change and notice about ourselves.
I think maybe the media industry would find a great amount of people to work with and stories to be told because if I've noticed anything in life its that where we all come from and how we act can be much different from the rest of the world , this place is pretty unique if you ask me , or the people are anyway.. You never know what you can do unless your given the opportunity to do it and before you know it , it can catch on like wild fire. I've seen allot of people waist their talents here , and it saddens me , they just never had the opportunity to try or were encouraged , its my hope that this is something we can all change and notice about ourselves.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
economy devils
Is it me or is the top income earners in this country trying to take us back to the nineteen twenties ?
The energy companies are saying they are broke and need help yet they post record profits in all of history , is it right they get brakes and we get cuts? how obvious does it have to be that the corporations and the rich are minipulating the system ? Here ive linked a video from the floors of congress , its finally showing to some people , but it seems the others have their backs turned on them for speaking out about downfall of the middle and lower class.
You've probably heard about the banana republics of south america , the few land and company holders and rich control the flow of everything , well we're falling into the category i'm afraid. There has to be a dramatic change in the system we live in , to not just help the middle class but the lower class , programs to feed the poor and shelter the homeless are what this country should be about , to give everyone an equal start and opportunity in america , as it should be.
The energy companies are saying they are broke and need help yet they post record profits in all of history , is it right they get brakes and we get cuts? how obvious does it have to be that the corporations and the rich are minipulating the system ? Here ive linked a video from the floors of congress , its finally showing to some people , but it seems the others have their backs turned on them for speaking out about downfall of the middle and lower class.
You've probably heard about the banana republics of south america , the few land and company holders and rich control the flow of everything , well we're falling into the category i'm afraid. There has to be a dramatic change in the system we live in , to not just help the middle class but the lower class , programs to feed the poor and shelter the homeless are what this country should be about , to give everyone an equal start and opportunity in america , as it should be.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Circles of friends , friends of friends.
Isn't it odd how word travels so quickly? I think so, and not just word, your name can travel very far too you just have to open up and put yourself out there, as for what you say, well if its well thought out and pretty good to read that can travel very far too, I've found this out personally. Before you know it people who are in the buisness of putting words out will take notice and whether or not money is involved really isnt important to me at this point i just really like that my opinion travels so far. It's like this blog, there are many many people outside my own country who have been here and seen what i wrote, that amazed me, but it makes you think also, maybe the world isn't as big as you think, and it is a small world after all.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Todays music & Yesterdays
I've enjoyed music a long time in my life , but i didn't really start to widen my musical list untill i was in my teens , i suppose no one really knows when they catch that music addiction. I think though that i caught the addiction at the perfect time, the mid 90s, when, for my generation, it got to be at its highest, when such bands as nirvana and stone temple pilots and many many others got to be big in the industry and influenced many people, and still does, i know people who wern't even born untill the 90s and they pick up listening to the same stuff i was just begining to enjoy. But i have to say i dont think a persons generation has to listen to the generations music, i mean i wasnt born untill 81 but now i listen to music way before my time as do many i guess , the point is , even though a certain music is past its prime theres a market still for it. Now i never was a sports person, or really even played many as i just sucked at it, but i joined highschool band, and i know most people in my generation considered band to be full of loosers and nerds, loosers and nerds were there but most people i knew in band were as much troublemakers or popular as anyone else. I find it sad that funding for band programs are threatned, it influenced me alot, but not everyone can play music as much as they enjoyed listening to it, as i couldnt play sports well i think there was just as many jocks who couldnt play music like i did. My brother is a little of both , he loves to play sports but he loves guitar just as much, i hope many people in the newer generations can learn to enjoy both too, regardless music from the past and present will influence the future.
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